The dynamics between men and women cannot be characterised solely on the basis that men and women are... men and women. We are different, that is obvious, but the difference doesn't just reside in physical; its notible that mentally we are on COMPLETELY different planets. Its the way it is, the way it has been and it will continue to be like this forever; everybody knows this. If you are not aware of this you must be pretty silly.
Guys are easy to understand, I cringe when I hear a lady friend say "Guys are f*cked, I don't understand them!" 50/50 - they are fucked... BUT they are ridiculously easy to understand. The process in which a males mind works it 3 ways, hunt - chase - flee. At no point in the beginning is the male thinking about "Settling down" or "I wonder if she's the one" at all points the male is thinking with his cock and how you can get on his cock... You must be thinking "not all men are like that" ummmm yes they are, no matter how sweet, innocent or charming they are, pretty sure all they are thinking about is what it would be like to fuck you, or how long this is going to take so he can go home and have a wank.
This isn't bad ladies, Im not saying that guys are arseholes - lets reiterate that, men are not arseholes. They may be f*cked, but this is in their nature. Its a mans right to want to be with a woman, there is nothing wrong with that. Its how they approach it, is where they are going wrong. They have to have both dignity and respect and thats where some (i repeat some) are going wrong. They are losing out, women are retaliating... They need to research, men need to research the more "f*cked" gender - THE WOMAN.
Women are f*cked, I feel as though as I have first hand experience, because I am one. Over these past 5 years where I have matured into an young aspiring woman, I have witnessed complete debauchery in the fact that women are innocent, calm, pleasant people to be around when no, no honey, we're all loopy! I feel sorry for men, I really do. The amount of women that piss fart around pretending, playing a game in order to woo or reel in the opposite sex is ridic. Atleast men are honest, if they want to have sex with you, they will show you that and only that. If they want to persue you, they will persue you by perusal, dates etc.
Women like to lead on, interrigate, drain it etc etc. I have done it, my best friends have done it - im sure every single woman has done it and its getting to a point where I can't handle being a woman anymore with this going on around me... Sure I am proud to have a vagina, we are the more superior race, but seriously we lack in this department. Hey, many women have it right, don't get me wrong. I feel like sometimes we kick arse. But there are also those women out there that give others a bad name.
They make it hard on themselves. They don't have security, so they look for it elsewhere, but tend to look in the wrong places, which isn't good. They fall for the wrong guys all the time, hence their then unrealistic expectations, turning to obsessiveness and constant craving. This turns men off. Seriously.
Time and time again, women meet men and INSTANTLY fall head over heels, but they pretend theyre not; they do the whole "nahhh im not into him, he has wierd feet" or "no no this is just sex" or the one I tend to hear the most "hes a bit clingy, i think he likes me a bit too much" - HILARIOUS. all of these excuses make them feel better for about, sayyyy 5 minutes. But then they realise quickly, that was a lie, why am I lying? shit, i like this guy. Then the real fun starts to happen, they manifest in their mind all different scenarios and start analysing the shit out of the "relationship". Men take note: EVERYTHING you say or do to this lady friend from that point on, is noted. EVERY.THING. This woman will now talk to her friends about it, still putting on the front that shes just not that into you but wants their opinion because youre hugging her back after sex now and kissing her more softly while fucking her from behind... On the inside she is burning because she wants it sooo bad. She may call it off, ignore the guy for a couple of weeks, maybe 3 or 4.... untillllllll shes out drunk as a skunk and calls you to "come over".
Women aren't all like this, there are girls out there that are pretty cluey and know how to act around males and play their game and not the female variety - but these women tend to be labelled as sluts, promiscuious etc etc. They may be, or they may just be honest. They are doing exactly what men do half the time, but in saying all of this, I don't believe woman can be like this for ever and get away with it, like it is in males nature to think with the cock, it is womens nature to want to be a householder, have children and live happily ever after.
I dont want to hear another sob story about how he broke my heart when the woman was half the blame as well, we can't go around bad mouthing men when realistically they aren't programmed the same way, they don't think the same way we do, they won't - even gay men aren't the same, they are easy to work out, play around, be yourself, dont ignore them, dont front.. RELAX AND STOP ANALYSING IT! If he's worth it, he will stick around and treat you right. Don't be scared.
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